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2,852 clicks in 11 hr 10 Stellar Spray Can CreationsTweet
Spray Can TattoosJames and Karla Murray Captures New York's Street Life (GALLERY)
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Michael Hines
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SuperstarFrom Defaced Bottle Designs to Pop Art Aerosols
These stellar spray can creations and both beautiful and innovative. As the popularity of graffiti has grown, so has the popularity of the spray can. The once-boring and uninteresting spray paint can has started serving as the inspiration for everything from pillows to radios.
These stellar spray can creations are proof-positive that while not many people are actively out tagging the world’ buildings, many people still support the art of the taggers. Perhaps the most ironic thing about all of these stellar spray can creations is that many of them are designed as individual pieces of art themselves. The ones that aren’t are either functional like the spray paint can light or just plain awesome like the spray paint can tattoo.
stellar spray can creations Published: Nov 19, 11 • Must SeeWTFOMGLoLCuteNerdyHot Bookmark
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