Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Real Facts On Medieval Swords

By Mark Hunter

In the past, blades were the main weapons utilized to attack and even protect a city, town or village. This is because in as much as they can be used in attack, they can also be made us of in the same breathe as defense. Therefore, medieval swords are not simply weapons that were used for any purpose.

They were usually built of strong elements so that they could do a lot of work. They were used to cut down enemies, and to chop items especially when people were on the move. So, they had many uses in every day life as well as in other circumstances.

But, there was a time when the only people who could use them were knights. This is because back then they provided security for the king. So, they were seen as noble weapons that could not simply be used by commoners. However, training always preceded the use of these weapons.

In addition, people who were the best in their uses more often than not became leaders in the armies. So, a medieval blade had lots of importance. Their design was both a work of art as well as artistry. This is since they were made to the perfect balance. Their design also focused on the protection that they could offer to the person using it.

Nevertheless, nowadays, these artilleries are not used in combat. They can be found in museums or history rooms. However, there are persons who collect these pieces so that they can remind themselves of the era mankind came from.

Thus, medieval swords are part of the history of man. They were utilized to wage wars and also control territories. Therefore, people who collect them are doing a big service; they are making sure that they are not forgotten even as the world moves on.

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