Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The 3D Cinema Experience At Home

By Alex Blaken

A trip to the big screen is something I always look forward to. Always have and always will. Since 3D movies have become all the rage I enjoy it even more now. I don't need much excuse to go and experience the wonders of the fantastic new effects that 3D promises. Luckily for me I have four little girls who give me the perfect excuse to see all the latest kids animations with 3D effects.

3D works by making sure each eye sees a slightly different picture than the other with each image representing the perspective of each eye.

Because our eyes are separated slightly they each see the world from a different perspective. 3D movies mimic this effect thus giving the illusion of depth on a 2D screen. Whatever method of seeing 3D you are using they all use this same principle but go about it in slightly different ways.

Anaglyph Stereo

Once a popular method anaglyph is now more of a novelty due to its poor picture quality. In case you don't know the term anaglyph refers to the red and blue glasses which are usually made out of cardboard. The two separate images for the eye are created with either a red or a blue tint. The red or blue lenses filter out the corresponding image so each eye sees the different perspective. This technique is a novelty at best and is not really suitable for enjoying 3D movies in high definition full color.

Active Shutter Glasses Stereoscopy

Active shutter glasses use a method that is technically known as alternate-frame sequencing. Each image is shown alternately on the screen. When an eye is not supposed to see the image it is blocked by the shutter over that eye going dark. When the technology was fairly new many people complained of a visible flickering in the image. It's for this reason that a TV needs to be have a refresh frequency of 120Hz or higher to double the frame rate of the animation on screen. These higher frequencies are becoming the default standard of new model TVs and projectors.

Active shutter glasses have a couple of disadvantages. The major disadvantage is that the glasses require power either through a cord or from batteries. If you are blessed with a large family you are either going to create a jungle of cables or you will have a rather large expense for batteries. The major advantage is that the technology has been around for a while now and projectors and TVs using this method are relatively cheap. If you only need one or two pairs of glasses then this would be the way to go.

Polarized Light Stereoscopy

Technological research has created new ways of displaying 3D imagery in the home. Polarized light stereoscopy, currently popular in cinemas, is now being made available in the home marketplace through the use of projectors. It's a very efficient way of creating 3D images as both images can now be displayed on the screen at the same time. Special polarized lenses in the glasses are polarized to only let in the correct image while blocking the other.

The major disadvantage of this method is the cost. It's new technology so prices are still quite high. Another disadvantage is that you will need to buy a silver screen to get the best viewing experience. Silver screens make sure the light reaching your eyes remains polarized so the picture retains its quality.

I believe polarized light stereoscopy will become the dominant method of 3D in the home eventually as costs decrease over time. Glasses are easier to manufacture and are lots cheaper and lighter than shutter glasses. Your audience can be larger and more spread out due to the large viewing angles that polarized stereoscopy provides. If you use shutter glasses you can expect about a 20% reduction in brightness. You get a much brighter image with polarized lenses as they only block about 10% of the light.

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