Monday, December 5, 2011

The Benefits Of Choosing A Jet Rental Service Over Public Airlines

By Lloyd L. Griffith

If you are a major part of a big company and are always on the move, from one big meeting to the next, you've likely discovered why choosing a jet rental service is far superior to flying aboard a commercial airplane. You may just be working your way up the corporate ladder and have not yet come to the point where you have to take all these important flights, but for when you do, below are some of the reasons why you will want to avoid a commercial airline and fly with a charter service.

If you were a leading executive of a really big corporation someplace like Chicago, it may not be uncommon for you to get a call from a partner who works on the other end of the country who wants you to come see them immediately. This particular business associate operates on the other end of the country, so you have to hop aboard a plane as soon as you possibly can and make your way to his office building located in the heart of Seattle.

The first problem you are most likely going to come across if you choose a commercial airline is the fact that it would be a rare thing for you to be able to pick up the phone and actually find a flight that is headed that direction within the next few hours. Even if your flight did happen to be departing exactly whenever you hoped for it to, you could spend hours trying to get through the airport and get to your plane and have to wait on a ton of different delays that throws the entire trip off schedule.

Someone lucky enough to be taking a chartered flight would be able to call and book their flight and have their plane ready to leave the runway before they even have time to get home and pack. When you make it to the airport, all you would have to do is grab your luggage and head straight to the runway, board your plane, and enjoy your trip directly to your destination, with not a single delay or layover to make you late for your meeting.

Time management is only the beginning of reasons you would want to avoid commercial airlines, of course, because there are other things such as privacy, security, and unmatched luxuries to take into consideration. When you have a big meeting that you have to get to in a small window of time, don't miss the chance to call on a local jet rental company.

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