Sunday, August 5, 2012


Viktor Fejes posted a photo:


You like this picture? Then please LIKE my brand new Facebook page!

Model: Hajda Eszter

MUA: Wéber Mariann

Photo/Retouch: Fejes Viktor

It was very difficult but in the end o-so lucky that I (with some help) found Eszter. It turned out she has been modelling for about 5 years now, and she was awfully easy to work with. Simply awesome.

So we took the day and made various incredible photos. I even continued my "The Four Elements" beauty portrait series with her, her being the Fire.

Check out the other two photos from the project "The Four Elements" here: and here:

Lighting info

- YN560 at 24mm zoom and 1/2 power, in 27" Softbox. Positioned camera-left about 0,5 meter from subject. (Rim Light)

- YN560 II at 24mm zoom and 1/2 power, in 27" Softbox. Positioned camera-right about 0,5 meter from subject. (Rim Light)

- Chinon 900C at 35mm zoom and 1/1 power, with omnibounce into 47" shoot through umbrella. Positioned on-axis about 0,6 meter from subject. (Fill Light)

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PHOTODRAMA * posted a photo:

DB #3

Model: Desirée Balbás, actress

badjonni posted a photo:

Full Moon Friday

badjonni posted a photo:

Full Moon Friday

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