Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday the 13th 2012 Fun Facts - TravelersToday


Friday the 13th 2012 Fun Facts
Happy Friday the 13th everyone! Some may consider this day to be a little unlucky, so it makes people superstitious, but there are a lot of interesting facts attached to this notable date. To get in the spirit of the day, TravelersToday is providing a ...

Viktor Fejes posted a photo:

Moodboard Project - Manka

Another piece from my moodboard project

We had a fun afternoon and made a bunch of photos. The dreadful thing is that I had to sort them out and when you are showing someone personality there really are no photos to delete. Yea, I'm whining about my own project being difficult – but that's what I like about it. Also the fun. And the cookies. Definitely the cookies.

Lighting info

- YN560 at 35mm zoom and 1/16 power, with shoot through 43" umbrella. Positioned on-axis about 0,5 meter from subject. (Key Light)

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